Creative Journal (part 2): what are the benefits?

In part one I went over what is a creative journal and why to use it now we will be going over the many benefits…

What are the benefits to keeping a creative journal ?

  • It’s fun!

Whether you consider yourself a creative person (which I would argue we all are) or not, engaging in the creative process is fun and helps you tap into your inner child.

  • Release perfectionism and negative thinking

Having the safe and private space of a journal allows you to decide if you want to share it with others or not. In playing with and having the safe space to engage in the creative process you can work through negative thinking or perfectionism as to how things “should look” and tap into play.

  • Self reflection tool

One of my favorite parts of keeping a creative journal is that you are able to come back to what you made - this can be a great way for you to observe your progress and reflect on your growth.

  • Self discovery

Whether you do it individually or as a group, by using a creative journal you are engaging in your own process to reflect on your feelings, experiences and reactions which you can then look back on (see the one above). You are also able to deepen your connection to yourself in cultivating these moments to go within.

  • Promotes mindfulness and meditation

While creating art and engaging in the creative process, you are brought into a state of mindfulness due to the need to concentrate and be present to the moment as you create. The sometimes repetitive strokes in art-making can also bring you into a meditative state.

  • Increased creativity

Engaging in the art-making process will guide you to tap into the right side of your brain - the area of creativity and intuition. This may help you to develop this side which will support your increased critical thinking skills and ideas (which can be a great addition to the work place). You also give the left side of your brain a break!

  • Can help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression

As a result of work, finances, relationships, traffic, etc. so many of us experience stress on a daily basis. For a large portion of the population, anxiety and depression make up part of their daily lives as well. Having a safe and creative outlet allows for you to take a moment to be more mindful, present, use a different side of your brain and as a result reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Want to experience these benefits for yourself? I will be running a virtual, Creative Journal Club group on Wednesdays at 6 PM (est) via Zoom to create a safe and supportive community space to explore and engage in creative journaling. Send me an email here to be added to the list to receive the link! We start on December 6!


Creative Journal (part 3): How to get started…


Creative Journal (part 1): what it is and why to use one?