Art Therapy and Somatic Healing: A Holistic Approach To Anxiety
Learn more about my journey to finding Art Therapy and Somatic Healing to help those experiencing Anxiety.
Resisting release
While we may want to release and let go of the things that serve us, why do we usually resist and struggle to do so? Read some tips for how to release energy that is taking up space in your body
Anxiety : worry or information?
We all experience anxiety at some point in our lives. Often times what we struggle with th most is figuring out how to manage it…
Let it flow…
Learn more about the idea of flow and flowstate. I also discuss the link of flow with the divine feminine and ways to begin implementing it as a daily practice.
Softening into your grounding practices
I invite you to explore what grounding means to you and finding practices that you enjoy.
How do we start to notice our emotions?
It can feel uncomfortable, difficult and confusing to notice our emotions, especially since many of us have never been taught to. In this post, I provide you simple steps and my general framework to begin your process of noticing your emotions.
Somatic work: why is it important and what are the benefits?
Ever wonder what somatic work is, why it is important and some of the benefits? I go into it all in this blog post.
Starting the year off slow…
What if, instead of starting the year off strong, we moved with intention, presence and a heart centered place?
In this post, I share 3 tangible ways to do so.
Creative Journal (part 3): How to get started…
Curious on how to start your own creative journal practice? In this post, I will go over what you need and how to get started with your own creative journal!
Creative Journal (part 1): what it is and why to use one?
Creative Journaling involves the creative process as a means to express, process and release experiences you may face on a daily basis. Creative journaling offers an alternative way of expressing yourself when words don’t feel like enough. Read along for a special surprise at the end!
What’s the difference between emotions and feelings?
Do you struggle to understand or tell the difference between emotions and feelings? In this post, I go into the differences between the two and why it is important to make that differentiation.
The magic of the art-making process
What if art-making is less about what you make and more about how you feel while making it?
A season for slowing down…
What if this month is about slowing down rather than trying to “do it all?”