Creative Journal (part 1): what it is and why to use one?

In this three part series, I will be getting into Creative Journaling - what it is, why use one, what are the benefits and how to begin. Make sure to read all the way to the bottom for a special surprise.

Let’s get into it…

What is a creative journal?

A creative journal is similar to a traditional journal in that it is a safe space for you to express your thoughts, feelings and process your experiences. However, a creative journal allows for you to do so in, you guessed it, creative ways. This may include more traditional art-making such as drawing, using watercolor paint, chalk or oil pastels, collage, etc or it may also include less traditional such as using found objects to create art. Creative journaling may also include poetry or song writing - it is any creative form that allows for you to express yourself in a different way.

Why use a creative journal?

I am a firm believer (and often mention) that there are times where words simply aren’t enough. By that I mean that there are times that using traditional language (such as speaking or writing) we may feel that we get stuck and aren’t able to fully express or understand something-this is especially applicable to our feelings and reactions to certain situations.

pause… think of a time where you may have been trying to explain to someone about something that happened to you but notice that while you are talking you can’t think of the words. Without even noticing, you may start to then use your body, hands or even create a drawing to explain yourself-that is exactly what I mean! While we often use language, there are moments in time where it is not able to explain everything we are experiencing.

Our sensations, emotions and reactions to experiences live in our bodies which has a different way of expressing itself from our mind. When we use the creative process, we tap into our right brain; the side of creativity and intuition, which also helps us have further access to our subconscious and the emotions we experience.

Now I am not saying that having a journal where you use only writing isn’t beneficial, but rather I am suggesting a new way of emotional exploration that can take you further and is often fun! We spend so much time of our day using words, why not try something different every once in a while?

In part 2, i’ll go over some of the benefits of creative journaling.

If you want to explore the world of creative journaling further, I am starting a FREE weekly, virtual group called the Creative Journal Club where we will gather on Wednesdays at 6 PM (est) via Zoom to create, explore and learn about the world of creative journaling. Click here to send me an email to sign up and receive the link!


Creative Journal (part 2): what are the benefits?


What’s the difference between emotions and feelings?